MBlog a light weight blogging engine created in asp.net mvc

Alright, I have posted a couple of meta blog posts, not very interesting to many. But, anyway, I just wanted to rant away on a few topics. With that aside. I’ll start a series of blog posts on developing web applications using asp.net mvc. I know there is a lot of information on the web already about asp.net mvc. This is just something which I am planning to do to better … myself.

I am planning to wake up a dormant open source project of mine called MBlog. It already has some code in it. But I am planning to start anew. And just to keep things a little interesting I will try to target the Mono framework. I’ve always wanted to see if I could get my apps to run on Mono. I have heard a lot of good stuff about it. If I can get this project working on Mono, I’ll definitely create more apps on Mono. Because Mono stands for everything free ;) I’ll try to stick to the following stack:

  2. NHibernate
  3. Spark View Engine
  4. StructureMap for IoC
  5. Mono

Let’s see how this one goes ;)

I am currently working on LiveForm which makes setting up contact forms on your website a breeze.